2:39 PM
Sew Thankful, a Sewing By Ti Blog Tour
2:39 PM It's the time of year to remember all the things we have to be thankful for! So grab a cup of hot cocoa and check out all the stops on the Sew Thankful Tour. We'll have so many different projects to help inspire you to sew something to be thankful for. 💗 Week of November 6th: 6: Sewing By Ti, 7: That's Sew Lily, 8: Elli and Nels, 9: Jot Designs Week of November 11th: 11: The Sewing Scientist, 12: Sweet Mama Life, 13: Big Fly Notions, 14: Manning the Machine, 15: Stitched by Jennie, 16: My Heart Will Sew On, 17: Sew 4 Five Week of November 18th:...