Halla Slim Fit Dolman
3:16 PMAs I was planning my fall and winter wardrobe I knew there was just 1 thing I REALLY needed. A Slim Fitting Dolman. I did actually consider purchasing the Patterns for Pirates Sweet Tee. It was the exact silhouette I wanted. But my Capsule Wardrobe friends reminded me that Halla has a FREE Slim Fit Dolman. Well, when you compare free thing that you want to not free thing that you want, it is easy to try the free thing.
My measurements: 35 over bust, 38 full bust. 31 waist. 38 hip. I made the size 10/12 for my shoulders and 6/8 for my hips. This went AGAINST my usual size 6/8 that I use for Halla.
I removed 1 1/2" length at the thinnest part of the waist rather than removing 1/2" above the bust. Mostly so I didn't have to mess with the sleeve hole.

If you want TRUE tunic length, I suggest making a 10" long band (rather than 12") and cutting it about 1" shorter than the extra long tunic length.

In an attempt to try to fill in my capsule wardrobe holes (you can see a chart of what I have and what I'm supposed to be making here) I knew I was supposed to focus on long sleeves. I broke the rules with the blue tunic length. But I got distracted by pretty fabric, LOL. My black and purple dolman filled a much needed hole.
I think dipping maybe 2 inches in back so the band doesn't interrupt your booty curve would make an A++ mini dress for you-it looks great as is though to be honest. And I adore the second outfit!