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Live Sewing Lessons with Ti

When I was learning to sew, there was no you tube, no google and I didn't have anyone that could teach me. I learned everything I needed...

When I was learning to sew, there was no you tube, no google and I didn't have anyone that could teach me. I learned everything I needed to know from books and life experience. Let me tell you, I learned a LOT of lessons the hard way. There were times I finished a project and immediately threw it in the trash and cried.

The most important lesson I ever learned though, was that a person's skill has very little do with the success of their project! The deciding factor as to whether a person would succeed had everything to do with the person's use of the right materials.

So, give me a few minutes, I'll make you a better seamstress

I believe that the right fabric paired with the right materials can produce a great project, no matter your skill level. I’m here to provide the skill level. You just sew.

I will be going live to help you have all the information you need to succeed!

Ready to find out more? Head to my Facebook Event to get all the details.

I want to know what you’re thinking. Comment below OR e-mail your questions directly to me.

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