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I've done it. I've survived another Wyoming January. The worst of the worst weather should be behind us, and now I can start looking...

The #watchawearinjanuary blog tour is nearly over. :( But there's a few more bits of information I want to share before we head into Feb...

Its my last round up post for the #watchwearinjanuary blog tour. This is a real bittersweet moment. It means my shares with you are nearly ...

Have you ever been completely debilitated by indecision? I'm about to make your life harder. LOL. #sorrynotsorry You see today, I'm...

Whoo hoo! I finally stopped getting sucked in by new patterns to sew up something from my stash. If you don't already know, I'm pa...

After my great success with the Mama Claire , as soon as the Mama Cassie released , I knew I needed it in my life. All the testers photos lo...

SPECIAL NOTICE:  +Sly Fox Fabrics  gave me some (but not all) of this fabric to review. As always, all opinions remain my own. Prior to...

Another week another outfit round up! If you watch my facebook page, you've already seen all of these outfits. HOWEVER, do be sure to fo...

Have you heard of the #2017makenine challenge? I hadn't until I stumbled upon Elizabeth Made This 's post about it. Apparently it ...

So if you read the HTML that is used for today's post, you'd think I'd be talking about zip up hoodies. I will admit, I have a t...

When I decided to write a blog review of the Lucky Lingerie, I thought of about 15 thousand innuendos I could include in the post. BUT, my...

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